Do you ship internationally?

We ship to most major countries. Once you add an item to your shopping cart you will see a list of countries in the dropdown menu under 'Shipping rates calculator.' All pricing on our website is in USD (US dollars) and shoe sizing remains in US shoe sizes. For assistance determining your US shoe size, visit our website at We use UPS for international shipping where duties, taxes, and VAT, where applicable, are included in the shipping cost so you shouldn't have to pay more fees upon delivery. Once you proceed to checkout you'll see the list of countries that we ship to again in the country dropdown menu under 'Shipping address.'

If you do not see your country listed please send us an email and we can see if it's possible to ship to you. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to the United Kingdom at this time. The UK has enacted new tax laws and regulations for importing purchases from out of the country that require foreign companies to register for VAT directly, which is a complicated and costly process for small businesses.

There are certain brand exclusions for international shipping. New Balance, for instance, is only available for purchase within the United States.

May 1, 2024

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