I'm receiving an error when I try to place my order - what should I do?

If your error is based on your payment method you have a few options: you can call during business hours and place your order by phone; you can contact the bank that issued your credit card to determine why the charge was declined, or you can use another payment method such as Paypal. Please do not, under any circumstances, send your payment information via email. Email is not a secure form of communication for sensitive information such as credit card numbers.

If you're receiving other errors, such as billing address errors, please double-check the addresses you entered for your order. The billing address you entered must be an exact match to the billing address on file with your credit card company. If you can't resolve the problem please give us a call during business hours so we can assist you. If you've moved and need to update the billing address for your card, please call your bank.

Please note we can only accept credit cards from banks that support AVS. (Address Verification System) If your bank does not support AVS, or you are using an International card that does not support AVS, you may need to use PayPal to place your order with us.

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